Even though you may earnestly desire to overcome the sin in your life, it’s important to understand that support from a Godly relative, friend or support group will very likely be necessary for prayer and encouragement. Your will has been weakened through the exercise of wrong habit patterns. For this reason you may need help in some of the following areas:

    1. Diverting phone calls as in the case of wrong associations.
    2. Controlling the keys to your car to prevent undesirable excursions.
    3. Someone to accompany you when there is the possibility of yielding to the temptation of drugs and/or alcohol.

Your willingness to accept this intervention is necessary to keep you on the track to recovery.

It is important to separate yourself from all sources of temptation according to 2 Timothy 2:22:

"Now flee from youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."

Suggestions to get you started are listed below. As you practice them diligently, you will become a conqueror through the power and strength of the Lord.

    1. Prepare 3 x 5 cards for each of the Scriptures listed as ‘put-ons’ in the previous section that are applicable to your particular sin challenge. Keep them with you at all times and read them aloud when you are tempted.
    2. Pray the following prayer as you start this recovery process and at any time there is temptation.
    3. "Lord, I thank You that You have promised in Isaiah 59:19 that when the enemy comes in like a flood, you will hold up a standard against him. Please lift up a standard against him in the area of__________________. (List the temptation i.e.:

      depression, drugs, sex, compulsive eating, etc.) By the authority Jesus has given me as a disciple of His kingdom according to the promise of Luke 9:1; I ask for Holy angels to bind and remove any of Satan’s forces that are pressing against or holding me in bondage. I choose to be loosed from that bondage, as that is Jesus’ will. I refuse to allow that sin to rule me. I have given that to Jesus and He has promised that sin shall not have dominion over me according to Romans 6:12-14. Thank You, Jesus, for filling my mind with your peace and I now bind my mind to the mind of Jesus to be used for His purposes. Amen."

    4. Select and meet with your support person or group.
    5. Prioritize your list of ‘put-offs’ and ‘put-ons’ and focus on the most oft-repeated sin. Concentrate on giving this sin to the Lord with the help of the suggestions in #1 and #2 until significant progress has been made in the identified area.
    6. Discuss with your support person or group any difficulties you are having in fol-Lowing your plan. Together you will need to pray and formulate strategies to help you in the process of overcoming your sin problem, remembering always to claim the promise of 1 John 1:9.

As you do this, God will work in you, through the power of His Word, "to will and to do of His good pleasure", and you will live a victorious and abundant life!


(See additional resource material for your support on this website)


It is suggested that if this is your first time through this lesson, that you work through the above links in the order they are given as there is a sequence. For your convenience, these links are offered to give you faster access for repeated reviewing.

If you have questions or need prayer support,
feel free to contact us.

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