Why is it that so many marriages break up?

Why are so many homes destroyed and divided?

These questions are partially answered in the lesson on "Interpersonal Relationships". But we will carry it a little further here. It really all boils down to the carnal or selfish nature of human beings. We want "our way" in the things that are done and the attention we get. Jesus com-mented on this when He was asked the question about divorce and why Moses allowed it. Let’s look at His words in Matthew 19:8:

"Jesus replied, Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning."

So what constitutes a "hard" heart?

Let’s look at a few selfish characteristics and then truthfully ask yourself the question:

Do these represent me?

It’s very easy to deny that there is a problem in any of these areas, but whenever we are experiencing challenges in relationships, the place to start is ALWAYS with ourselves. We aren’t given the privilege of taking dominion over other people. We can only begin the change in ourselves. (See Matthew 7:1-5)

How do we begin that change?
God always has a plan for change, so let's take a look at His plan.


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