Here are some suggestions:

  1. Make a list of the areas that may pertain to you as listed in the section: So What Goes Wrong in Marriages? Make these a matter of specific prayer, remembering that the list you prepare is your personal list; not a list for your spouse!
  2. Prioritize your list as to which area may be the greatest challenge.
  3. Do NOT focus on the trait you need to "put off", but find the opposite "put on" trait and focus on that principle.

    Example: If your challenge is "adultery"; the opposite would be "faithfulness". Now use a Scripture that speaks to the specific situation of "adultery" and "faithfulness". In this instance, a good one would be Proverbs 5:15-20.
  4. Select, memorize and focus on the verse of scripture that you will use each time the challenge emerges. (You can find this scripture by looking for key words in your concordance.) Do not move to another challenge until a new habit is formed to replace the old challenge.
  5. Poor communication is very often the root cause of marital discord. Make an effort to study methods of open communication, utilizing the principles that manifest true agape love.
  6. Remember that Jesus Christ offered the solution to marital unhappiness. Study Matthew 5:3-12, 38-48; 6:14-15; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a and Philippians 4:8. God changes hearts and lives, not partners. (See Romans 12:2)
  7. Pray continually for God’s Spirit to change you. You may use the following prayer or your own similar prayer:

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray and confess that I have let bitterness, wrath, resentment, clamor, contention, ill will and self pity control our marriage. I ask that these things be banished from my life and that I become useful, kind, tenderhearted, compassionate, understanding and forgiving of my spouse as You Father, in Christ, forgave me. I loose Satan’s activities in our lives and I especially ask to be loosed from the spirit of separation and its assignment against us. I thank You, Father, that in the power of Jesus Christ we will be constantly renewed in the spirit of our minds having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude. I thank You that You have promised to enable us to walk in love, esteeming and delighting in one another as Christ loved and gave Himself up for us. I vow to henceforth submit my mind to You, knowing that the devil will flee and Your love is able to unite us in total peace, harmony and happiness. Thank you for answering this prayer in accordance with Your will. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen."


Further Reading Matterial


It is suggested that if this is your first time through this lesson, that you work through the above links in the order they are given as there is a sequence. For your convenience, these links are offered to give you faster access for repeated reviewing.

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